How to get Financial Traction

Even though we’ve eliminated almost half of our debt, we still have to be super strict with our budget. Part time at Dicks isn’t exactly bringing in the big bucks. We are looking at ways to increase our income, but in the meantime, our snowball has stalled. It stinks when you’re super intense about getting the debt paid off, but it feels like you’re just running in place. You know, like the roadrunner with the legs just going 100 miles per hour but not getting any traction. You have to remember in times like these that you still have to stay intense. You can’t get discouraged and lose focus. You will typically end up hurting yourself in the long run. A long week may end up with you at the bottom of a wine bottle and a drunk Amazon order. Or you’ll go out with your friends for dinner to get a break. Or as my husband suggested last night, “let’s get some DQ, we deserve it.”

Treat yo self! Right? You deserve it!

NOPE! Don’t do it! It sucks not being able to do fun things, enjoy delicious meals/desserts or buy those cute organizers for your drawers/closets. Believe me, I know! Watching Marie Kondo on Netflix has me super conflicted! I want to declutter and organize EVERYTHING! I have been going through everything and finding things to donate or sell, but the money I make with that will go right into my budget to free up more money to go to debt.

It took you a while to get into all this trouble, it’s going to take even longer to get back out, but you can do it! Find something to keep yourself motivated. This month as bills have been getting paid, I have been highlighting that budget line in my planner. I’ve been keeping track of every single purchase and writing it down. It’s helping me make sure I can make the proper adjustments to the next month’s budget if I need to.

Keep your head up and stay the course!

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