How having a Visual Aid helped me on my Debt Free Journey

I’m a visual person. I love being able to see progress. I used to work in a commission job with monthly sales goals to meet and I would always check my progress at the beginning of a shift. I made better decisions and knew exactly where I stood at the beginning and end of every shift. I often blew past my monthly goals because I saw it as a challenge. I used to get really competitive. Now that I stay home, I miss having that. Pushing myself to accomplish my goals and then more! I’ve been able to shift my … Continue reading How having a Visual Aid helped me on my Debt Free Journey

What does it mean to Live Below your Means?

You feel like you hear or read this everywhere, but what does it really mean to “live below your means”? It means that you live on less than you make, sounds simple right? For most though, it’s a difficult concept. The first step to living below your means is to create a budget or spending plan. You have to know how much outflow you have compared to your inflow, income. If you spend all your money on monthly bills and necessities, you are not living below your means. Just because you don’t over draft your bank account doesn’t mean you … Continue reading What does it mean to Live Below your Means?

How to get ahead financially with your tax refund

It’s that time of year, tax time. Most people are either preparing to file, or have already filed. Maybe you’ve already gotten your refund back. Maybe you’re waiting to file because you’re going to owe. I’m going to preface this and state, I am not a tax professional. Now, if you owe, I can’t help you there. Hopefully you have been preparing for it and have been saving up. If you owe a lot, you should probably sit down with a CPA to figure out what to do so you don’t owe so much next year. If you’re getting a … Continue reading How to get ahead financially with your tax refund

Why you need Insurance

You might not think that insurance has much to do with finances, but it most certainly does. There’s many kinds of insurance: health, car, renter, homeowner, life and more. I personally have all the above. My life insurance policy was gifted to me by my grandmother. My family is safe from any financial burdens that my death may bring. I haven’t dealt directly with the policy, but it brings me a sense of relief knowing that during their time of grieving, they won’t have to worry about how to pay for funeral costs or bills or anything like that. I … Continue reading Why you need Insurance

Financial Freedom Reading List

If you want to get better at something, you practice. If you want to know more about a topic, you research it. I never would have thought that I would end up reading and liking so many financial books! I seriously cannot get enough right now! I’ve read three books this month alone! I’ve never been much of a nonfiction person, but I’ve been on this kick and I think it’s just going to keep going. If you’re interested in budgeting, getting out of debt and creating personal wealth, here are the books I’ve read and recommend! – The Total … Continue reading Financial Freedom Reading List

How to stay at home on one income less than $30,000 per year

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve searched all over Pinterest, Facebook and any other place on the internet for the secret to be able to stay at home. I can’t tell you how many blog posts I’ve clicked on titled, “How to Stay at Home on One Income”. Every time I feel like I never get any answers! How did they all do it? Jeez, it’s hard for us to make it on two incomes! But I’m not here to give you vague tips on how to cut down your budget. No, I’m going to show you an … Continue reading How to stay at home on one income less than $30,000 per year

How to get Financial Traction

Even though we’ve eliminated almost half of our debt, we still have to be super strict with our budget. Part time at Dicks isn’t exactly bringing in the big bucks. We are looking at ways to increase our income, but in the meantime, our snowball has stalled. It stinks when you’re super intense about getting the debt paid off, but it feels like you’re just running in place. You know, like the roadrunner with the legs just going 100 miles per hour but not getting any traction. You have to remember in times like these that you still have to … Continue reading How to get Financial Traction

Grocery Shopping

One of the hardest places to cut spending is food. Obviously stop going out to eat. We don’t normally go out or order in, if we do, it’s usually really cheap. But we could easily spend $200 at the grocery store for just a weeks worth of meals. That adds up to $800 a month just for food! To keep costs down, we shop at 2 places, Aldi and a local grocery chain, Martins. Martins has a coupon and gas program that we take advantage of. We also plan a week of dinners at a time and shop for those. … Continue reading Grocery Shopping

What are Sinking Funds?

When I started this, I kept seeing “sinking funds” everywhere. Y’all, I was so confused! I had no idea what they were or why they were so important. So I did some research. Sinking funds are specific items you know come up within the year, but aren’t a monthly payment. For example, Christmas, birthdays, car registration, etc. These are things you still have to pay for, just not monthly. I thought about what things were important and that I knew I needed to pay for within the next year. I came up with Christmas (next year), truck registration, birthdays and … Continue reading What are Sinking Funds?

How to boost your Income

One of the biggest factors in how fast you can pay off debt, is your income. If you have $30,000 in debt, $5,000 extra dollars can shave off a couple months off your debt snowball. If you’re really serious about getting out of debt fast, your best bet is to get a side hustle or two! My husband works retail, so right now with the holidays, he’s getting extra hours. I work from home as a remote assistant, it’s contract based, so I choose when and how much I work. I have a couple other things I do to bring … Continue reading How to boost your Income