What is Normal?

These days it’s normal to have debt. Everyone has a car payment. Everyone has a credit card. A mortgage payment, if it’s not yours, it’s your landlords. There’s a pandemic of student loans. Why is it normal to have debt, but weird to pay for things in cash? Why do we worship the almighty credit score? Because that’s what we were taught. It’s the only thing we’ve ever known as millennials. Most of us remember what is known as the Great Recession of 2008-2009. I know I do. At the time I was in high school. My parents, who were … Continue reading What is Normal?

Why financing Cars is a bad idea

I got my first car when I was 18. I searched far and wide to find something different, something just for me. I ended up finding a purple 1998 Dodge Dakota. It had 190,000 miles on it and it wasn’t perfect, but it was perfect for me! I loved it! He was lovingly named Barney for his color. I was lucky enough that my grandpa bought it for me and I didn’t have any payments. In the next 3 years I moved from California to Kansas to Colorado. Barney served me well. Going to college, getting married and then making … Continue reading Why financing Cars is a bad idea

The Journey Begins

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton And so it begins! This blog is the story of our life going forward. I guess it’s time for introductions, I’m Katie. I’m a 26 year old mom to two wonderful kids. My son just turned 3 and I just had my daughter in September. My husband and I have been married for almost 8 years. We currently live in central Pennsylvania. I want this blog to give advice and hope for others who may be living in similar situations. I hope to inspire others to go … Continue reading The Journey Begins