How to stay at home on one income less than $30,000 per year

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve searched all over Pinterest, Facebook and any other place on the internet for the secret to be able to stay at home. I can’t tell you how many blog posts I’ve clicked on titled, “How to Stay at Home on One Income”. Every time I feel like I never get any answers! How did they all do it? Jeez, it’s hard for us to make it on two incomes! But I’m not here to give you vague tips on how to cut down your budget. No, I’m going to show you an … Continue reading How to stay at home on one income less than $30,000 per year

How to get Financial Traction

Even though we’ve eliminated almost half of our debt, we still have to be super strict with our budget. Part time at Dicks isn’t exactly bringing in the big bucks. We are looking at ways to increase our income, but in the meantime, our snowball has stalled. It stinks when you’re super intense about getting the debt paid off, but it feels like you’re just running in place. You know, like the roadrunner with the legs just going 100 miles per hour but not getting any traction. You have to remember in times like these that you still have to … Continue reading How to get Financial Traction

How to boost your Income

One of the biggest factors in how fast you can pay off debt, is your income. If you have $30,000 in debt, $5,000 extra dollars can shave off a couple months off your debt snowball. If you’re really serious about getting out of debt fast, your best bet is to get a side hustle or two! My husband works retail, so right now with the holidays, he’s getting extra hours. I work from home as a remote assistant, it’s contract based, so I choose when and how much I work. I have a couple other things I do to bring … Continue reading How to boost your Income