What it means to live Frugally

fruĀ·gal adjective sparing or economical with regard to money or food. simple and plain and costing little.   We have lived a frugal lifestyle for quite a while. We have done it in the past out of necessity, now we do it so we can achieve our goals. We can go weeks without spending money on anything other than bills and groceries. We cook almost all of our own food, we don’t go out to eat very often, pizza is our weakness though. We plan our dinners weekly and we have a short list of snack items that we regularly … Continue reading What it means to live Frugally

What is the Cash Envelope System?

You’re trying to learn to budget, or you already know how to budget, but it’s difficult to stick to your actual numbers. Some bills are hard to budget for like gas, water and electric since they are based off of usage. Other places that may be hard to stick to a budget is groceries, gas, miscellaneous or fun money. Studies have shown that your brain processes using cash different and more painful that just swiping a card. Swiping a card is easy, whereas handing over physical cash makes you double think your purchases. Using that information, if you stick cash … Continue reading What is the Cash Envelope System?

Where to start your Debt Free Journey

You’ve had it! You’re tired of being stressed out about money. You’re tired of wondering what bill you’re only going to partially pay this month because you can’t afford groceries and bills. Maybe you’re like me and your vehicle is on the repo list and you have to short your rent check to get it off the list. I’ve been there, in that exact place. I thought that since I listed out my bills each month and when they were due that I was living on a budget. I thought that since I didn’t overdraw my account and that I … Continue reading Where to start your Debt Free Journey