How to Lower your Electric Bill

When trying to pay off debt, you’re always looking at your budget for ways to cut costs. Sometimes your highest bill is your electric bill. It’s so hard to estimate what your bill will look like from month to month unless you’re on a budget billing plan. Budget billing is great, your electric company averages the usage over the entire year so you pay one price each month and it all evens out. Check to see if your provider offers this, I see it as a huge advantage. Even if you end up over paying, you’ll end up with a credit on your account or a check in the mail for the difference. That sounds like a win to me!

Even so, you should put in effort to keep your usage low.

  • I’m going to sound like my dad for a moment and tell you to always turn off any electronics or lights when you leave a room. It’s a great habit to get into.
  • Don’t leave the TV on if you’re not actually watching it. I know a lot of people who just use it for background noise, but that’s raising your electric bill.
  • Always unplug your unused chargers or electronics you don’t use everyday. This also protects them from any electrical surges in case of any storms.
  • Set your thermostat a couple degrees away from your ideal temperature. In the summer you can wear shorts and tanks around the house without keeping your AC running full blast. In the wintertime you can wear slippers and sweaters to keep warm. Always take advantage of nice weather and open your windows!
  • Don’t leave porch/outside lights on all night. You’re not using them!
  • Use timers for things you only use at specific times of day. Have a TV in your room you only watch at night? Use a timer so it’s only pulling electricity when you’re actually using it. Plus you don’t have to worry about it waking you up later!

Once you start looking for ways to lower your bill, you’ll find more and more places to adjust! These are easy and beneficial habits to get started!

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