How to make some Quick Cash

We started this month wondering how much it would cost us to get our truck fixed, it was estimated $1,200 – $3,000. Thank goodness we were quoted the low end. But that didn’t change the fact that we still didn’t have the money, but at least we had a target to shoot for. We went through the house and found just about anything we could get rid of. We had a yard sale that was ok. We set it up with a family across the street that also had kids clothes to sell, it got a good amount of traffic. … Continue reading How to make some Quick Cash

Get Back Up and Keep Going

Well, Murphy, as in Murphy’s Law, has hit us this month. My husbands truck started acting weird last week, he has been driving it a lot lately for a side hustle he was working. We took it in to Firestone Thursday to get it looked at. We were hoping it was an easy fix because we were going to Erie on Friday for hubby’s first kayak fishing tournament. They looked at it and said they were referring us to a local transmission shop because they don’t work with transmissions. So we had to rent a truck to take to Erie … Continue reading Get Back Up and Keep Going

How to know When to stop your Side Hustle

I have been struggling with my side hustle lately. I was putting a lot of time into it with little to no return. It was a great perk to get 25% off products, but being in Baby Step 2 and paying off debt, I shouldn’t be spending a ton of money on frivolous things like makeup, especially when I don’t wear any on a daily basis. I struggled with the thought that anything is better than nothing. And I’m not doing anything else with my time. But it got to the point that it was affecting me mentally and emotionally. … Continue reading How to know When to stop your Side Hustle

Why you Need to talk to your kids about Finances

Growing up I heard my parents fight about money. I can’t remember any specific fights, but I knew money was always a stressor in my family. My mom had a calendar with all of our paper bills in it and she would write the bill that was due on each date. I never knew what my parents financial situation was like really. In high school my parents filed for bankruptcy in 2009, the beginning of my senior year. I went to a 4 year university right after high school and thanks to my grandparents, I didn’t have to take out … Continue reading Why you Need to talk to your kids about Finances

How to Lower your Electric Bill

When trying to pay off debt, you’re always looking at your budget for ways to cut costs. Sometimes your highest bill is your electric bill. It’s so hard to estimate what your bill will look like from month to month unless you’re on a budget billing plan. Budget billing is great, your electric company averages the usage over the entire year so you pay one price each month and it all evens out. Check to see if your provider offers this, I see it as a huge advantage. Even if you end up over paying, you’ll end up with a … Continue reading How to Lower your Electric Bill

Staying dedicated to your Budget

Budgets are hard. Sticking to them is even harder. In this debt payoff step we are in, it is difficult sometimes to tell myself no. When we go out to the store, I want to get extra things. When we run errands, I want to be able to grab lunch or dinner while we are out. I spend so much time at home, any time we go out I want to stay out as long as possible! Thankfully better weather is coming so we can spend time outdoors. But that doesn’t make it any easier to stick to my budget. … Continue reading Staying dedicated to your Budget

How to Settle Bad Debt

Bad debt is something that has gone to collections. Debt often gets sold off to debt collection agencies when you don’t pay on it enough to satisfy the creditor. Sometimes they will sue you in order to get their money. It’s never good to let any accounts get to this state, however, you can use it to your advantage. At this point the collectors or creditors should accept a settlement. Settling an account means you can negotiate a lump sum payment to “payoff” the account. You cannot settle debt with the IRS or government student loans. You must be careful … Continue reading How to Settle Bad Debt

What it means to live Frugally

fruĀ·gal adjective sparing or economical with regard to money or food. simple and plain and costing little.   We have lived a frugal lifestyle for quite a while. We have done it in the past out of necessity, now we do it so we can achieve our goals. We can go weeks without spending money on anything other than bills and groceries. We cook almost all of our own food, we don’t go out to eat very often, pizza is our weakness though. We plan our dinners weekly and we have a short list of snack items that we regularly … Continue reading What it means to live Frugally

What is the Cash Envelope System?

You’re trying to learn to budget, or you already know how to budget, but it’s difficult to stick to your actual numbers. Some bills are hard to budget for like gas, water and electric since they are based off of usage. Other places that may be hard to stick to a budget is groceries, gas, miscellaneous or fun money. Studies have shown that your brain processes using cash different and more painful that just swiping a card. Swiping a card is easy, whereas handing over physical cash makes you double think your purchases. Using that information, if you stick cash … Continue reading What is the Cash Envelope System?

Where to start your Debt Free Journey

You’ve had it! You’re tired of being stressed out about money. You’re tired of wondering what bill you’re only going to partially pay this month because you can’t afford groceries and bills. Maybe you’re like me and your vehicle is on the repo list and you have to short your rent check to get it off the list. I’ve been there, in that exact place. I thought that since I listed out my bills each month and when they were due that I was living on a budget. I thought that since I didn’t overdraw my account and that I … Continue reading Where to start your Debt Free Journey